Walter Kumiega

"The PCHS Camden Conference Seminar course was pleased to host Walter Kumiega, former member to the Maine House of Representatives and former Speaker Pro Tem of the Legislature, for a virtual guest lecture on 02-05-2021. 

Mr. Kumiega shared his experiences working as an elected official and as Chair of the Marine Resources Committee in order to provide commentary on how the changing conditions of the Arctic are directly impacting Maine's commercial fisheries in the short-term, and how those same changes might come to impact Maine's climate and economic system in the long-term. After his talk, Mr. Kumiega expressed his appreciation for insightful student questions and comments. We are proud of the way that students represented PCHS throughout the thought-provoking afternoon. 

Mr. Kumiega's guest lecture was one of the final elements prior to the students attending at the 2021 virtual Camden Conference, The Geopolitics of the Arctic: A Region in Peril, which will take place on February 20th and 21st. The panelists for this year's conference come from all over the the world and work in fields as diverse as politics, global policy, journalism, climate science, biology, and philosophy.

For further information about the Camden Conference, please visit:"